Genesis. 6 to 10

                    1.   Who found favor in the eyes of the Lord and was instructed to build an ark, as mentioned in Genesis 6:8-14?

a) Noah.

b) Enoch.

c) Methuselah.

Answer: a) Noah.

2.       What was the reason God decided to flood the earth, as mentioned in Genesis 6:5-7?
a) The wickedness and corruption of humanity.

b) The disobedience of animals.

c) The lack of rain.

Answer: a) The wickedness and corruption of humanity.

3.       How many of each kind of clean animal did God command Noah to take into the ark, as mentioned in Genesis 7:2-3?

a) Seven.

b) Two.

c) Ten.

Answer: a) Seven.

4.       How many days and nights did the rain last during the flood, as mentioned in Genesis 7:12?

a) 40 days and 40 nights.

b) 7 days and 7 nights.

c) 100 days and 100 nights.

Answer: a) 40 days and 40 nights.

5.       How long did the floodwaters cover the earth, as mentioned in Genesis 7:24 and Genesis 8:3?

a) 40 days and 40 nights.

b) 150 days.

c) 365 days.

Answer: b) 150 days.

6.       What was the first bird that Noah sent out from the ark to check for dry land, as mentioned in Genesis 8:7?

a) Raven.

b) Dove.

c) Sparrow.

Answer: a) Raven. 

7.       What was the second bird that Noah sent out from the ark, after the raven, as mentioned in Genesis 8:8-9?

a) Raven.

b) Dove.

c) Sparrow.

Answer: b) Dove. 

8.       What did the dove bring back to Noah on the second attempt, as mentioned in Genesis 8:11?

a) An olive leaf.

b) A branch from a fig tree.

c) A message from God.

Answer: a) An olive leaf. 

9.       When did God establish a covenant with Noah and his descendants, as mentioned in Genesis 9:9-11?

a) After the floodwaters receded.

b) Before the floodwaters came.

c) During the flood.

Answer: a) After the floodwaters receded. 

10.   What sign did God give as a token of the covenant with Noah and all living creatures, as mentioned in Genesis 9:12-13?

a) A rainbow.

b) A star.

c) A cloud.

Answer: a) A rainbow. 

11.   Who was the father of Canaan, who was cursed by Noah, as mentioned in Genesis 9:18-27?

a) Ham.

b) Shem.

c) Japheth.

Answer: a) Ham.  

12.   Who were the sons of Noah mentioned in Genesis 10:1?

a) Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

b) Cain, Abel, and Seth.

c) Enoch, Methuselah, and Lamech.

Answer: a) Shem, Ham, and Japheth. 

13.   What was the significance of the Tower of Babel, as mentioned in Genesis 11:1-9?

a) It was a tower built by humans to reach the heavens and make a name for themselves.

b) It was a place where Noah's ark was preserved.

c) It was a place where God appeared to humanity.

Answer: a) It was a tower built by humans 

14.   Who was the father of Abram (later known as Abraham), as mentioned in Genesis 11:26?

a) Terah.

b) Nahor.

c) Haran.

Answer: a) Terah

15.   How old was Abram when he departed from Haran, as mentioned in Genesis 12:4?

a) 50 years old.

b) 75 years old.

c) 100 years old.

Answer: b) 75 years old. 

16.   What promise did God make to Abram in Genesis 12:2-3?

a) To make him the father of many nations.

b) To give him great wealth and prosperity.

c) To grant him eternal life.

Answer: a) To make him the father of many nations.

17.   Who was Abram's wife, who later became known as Sarah, as mentioned in Genesis 11:29?

a) Leah.

b) Rebekah.

c) Sarai.

Answer: c) Sarai.

18.   Who was the king of Salem who blessed Abram, as mentioned in Genesis 14:18-20?

a) Melchizedek.

b) Pharaoh.

c) Abimelech.

Answer: a) Melchizedek. 

19.   What was the name of the son born to Abram and Sarai's Egyptian maidservant, as mentioned in Genesis 16:15-16?

a) Isaac.

b) Ishmael.

c) Jacob.

Answer: b) Ishmael. 

20.   How old was Abram when God changed his name to Abraham and made a covenant with him, as mentioned in Genesis 17:5 and 17:17?

a) 75 years old.

b) 86 years old.

c) 99 years old.

Answer: c) 99 years old.

21. How many people were on Noah's ark during the flood, as mentioned in Genesis 7:13?

a) 8 people.

b) 12 people.

c) 20 people.

Answer: a) 8 people (Noah, his wife, his three sons - Shem, Ham, and Japheth - and their wives).

22. What was the sign of the covenant that God made with Noah after the flood, as mentioned in Genesis 9:12-13?

a) A rainbow.

b) A star.

c) A cloud.

Answer: a) A rainbow.

23. What sin did Ham, Noah's son, commit against his father, as mentioned in Genesis 9:22?

a) Theft.

b) Murder.

c) Dishonoring his father.

Answer: c) Dishonoring his father.

24.       Who was the oldest person recorded in the Bible, who lived for 969 years, as mentioned in Genesis 5:27?

a) Noah.

b) Methuselah.

c) Enoch.

Answer: b) Methuselah.

25.       How many days and nights did the rain flood the earth during the time of Noah, as mentioned in Genesis 7:12-13?

a) 20 days and 20 nights.

b) 40 days and 40 nights.

c) 70 days and 70 nights.

Answer: b) 40 days and 40 nights.