Genesis 26 to 30

 1. Q: Who was Isaac’s wife?

A: Isaac’s wife was Rebekah. (Genesis 26:34)

2. Q: What did Isaac do during a famine in the land of Canaan?

A: Isaac went to Gerar, the land of the Philistines. (Genesis 26:1-2)

3. Q: What lie did Isaac tell the people of Gerar about Rebekah?

A: Isaac lied and told the people of Gerar that Rebekah was his sister, just like his father Abraham had done about Sarah. (Genesis 26:7)

4. Q: How did God bless Isaac in Gerar?

A: God blessed Isaac in Gerar by making him prosperous and increasing his wealth. (Genesis 26:12-14)

5. Q: Why did the Philistines envy Isaac?

A: The Philistines envied Isaac because he became very prosperous, and they became afraid of him. (Genesis 26:14-15)

6. Q: How did Isaac show his faith in God’s promises?

A: Isaac showed his faith in God’s promises by digging wells in the land of Canaan, just as God had promised to give him the land. (Genesis 26:18-22)

7. Q: What was the name of the well that Isaac’s servants dug?

A: The well that Isaac’s servants dug was called “Esek,” which means “contention.” (Genesis 26:20)

8. Q: What was the name of the second well that Isaac’s servants dug?

A: The second well that Isaac’s servants dug was called “Sitnah,” which means “enmity.” (Genesis 26:21)

9. Q: What was the name of the third well that Isaac’s servants dug?

A: The third well that Isaac’s servants dug was called “Rehoboth,” which means “spaciousness” or “room.” (Genesis 26:22)

10. Q: Who appeared to Isaac and confirmed God’s covenant with him?

A: The Lord appeared to Isaac and confirmed the covenant that He had made with Abraham, promising to bless him and his descendants. (Genesis 26:24)

11. Q: Who did Esau marry?

A: Esau married Judith and Basemath, daughters of the Hittites. (Genesis 26:34)

12. Q: What did Isaac instruct Jacob to do before sending him to Laban?

A: Isaac instructed Jacob not to marry a Canaanite woman, but to go to his mother’s family and find a wife from there. (Genesis 28:1-2)

13. Q: What did Jacob see in his dream while on his way to Laban’s house?

A: Jacob saw a ladder reaching from earth to heaven, with angels ascending and descending on it, and the Lord standing above it. (Genesis 28:10-12)

14. Q: What did God promise Jacob in his dream?

A: God promised Jacob that He would give him the land he was lying on, bless him, and make his descendants numerous. (Genesis 28:13-15)

15. Q: What vow did Jacob make to God after his dream?

A: Jacob made a vow to God, promising to give a tenth of all that he possessed to God if God would be with him and protect him on his journey. (Genesis 28:20-22)

16. Q: How many years did Jacob work for Laban to marry Rachel?

A: 14 Years

17. Q: How many years did Jacob work for Laban to marry Rachel?

A: Jacob worked for Laban for seven years to marry Rachel, but Laban deceived him and gave him Leah instead. Jacob then worked for another seven years to marry Rachel. (Genesis 29:18-30)

18. Q: How many sons did Leah bear to Jacob?

A: Leah bore Jacob six sons: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun. (Genesis 29:31-35)

19. Q: How many sons did Rachel bear to Jacob?

A: Rachel bore Jacob two sons: Joseph and Benjamin. (Genesis 30:22-24)

20. Q: Who were the sons of Bilhah, Rachel’s maidservant?

A: Bilhah bore Jacob two sons: Dan and Naphtali. (Genesis 30:1-8)

21. Q: Who were the sons of Zilpah, Leah’s maidservant?

A: Zilpah bore Jacob two sons: Gad and Asher. (Genesis 30:9-13)

22. Q: How did Rachel finally bear a son to Jacob?

A: Rachel finally bore a son to Jacob named Joseph, after many years of being barren. (Genesis 30:22-24)

23. Q: What deal did Jacob make with Laban regarding his flocks?

A: Jacob made a deal with Laban to separate the spotted, speckled, and striped sheep and goats from the rest of the flock as his wages for his work. (Genesis 30:25-34)

24. Q: How did Jacob’s flock increase under God’s blessing?

A: God blessed Jacob’s flock, and the flock increased with many spotted, speckled, and striped sheep and goats, despite Laban’s attempts to cheat Jacob. (Genesis 30:35-43)

25. Q: How did Jacob leave Laban’s house and return to Canaan?

A: Jacob left Laban’s house secretly with his family and possessions, as God instructed him, and returned to Canaan without Laban’s knowledge. (Genesis 31:17-21)