Genesis. 21 to 25

1. Q: Who was born to Sarah and Abraham in Genesis 21?
A: Isaac.

2. Q: Why did Sarah laugh when she heard she would have a son in Genesis 21?
A: Sarah laughed because she was old and past the age of childbearing, and she found it amusing that she would have a child in her old age.

3. Q: Who wanted Ishmael and Hagar to leave in Genesis 21?
A: Sarah asked Abraham to send away Ishmael and Hagar after Isaac was born because she did not want Ishmael to share in Isaac’s inheritance.

4. Q: What did God provide for Hagar and Ishmael in Genesis 21?
A: God provided water for Hagar and Ishmael in the desert when they were thirsty.

5. Q: What was the name of the well that was dug by Abraham in Genesis 21?
A: Beersheba.

6. Q: Who made a treaty with Abraham in Genesis 21?
A: Abimelech, the king of Gerar, made a treaty with Abraham.

7. Q: What did Abraham name the place where he made a treaty with Abimelech in Genesis 21?
A: Abraham named the place Beersheba, which means “well of the oath” or “well of the seven.”

8. Q: What did God ask Abraham to do with his son Isaac in Genesis 22?
A: God asked Abraham to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice on Mount Moriah.

9. Q: What did Abraham do with his son Isaac in Genesis 22?
A: Abraham obeyed God and took Isaac to Mount Moriah to offer him as a sacrifice. However, before he could do so, God provided a ram for the sacrifice, and Isaac was spared.

10. Q: What did Abraham name the place where he almost sacrificed Isaac in Genesis 22?
A: Abraham named the place Jehovah Jireh, which means “the Lord will provide.”

11. Q: Whom did Abraham send to find a wife for Isaac in Genesis 24?
A: Abraham sent his servant to find a wife for Isaac.

12. Q: What was the name of Abraham’s servant who went to find a wife for Isaac in Genesis 24?
A: Eliezer.

13. Q: Who was the woman that Eliezer found to be Isaac’s wife in Genesis 24?
A: Rebekah, the daughter of Bethuel.

14. Q: What sign did Eliezer ask God for to confirm that Rebekah was the right woman for Isaac in Genesis 24?
A: Eliezer asked God to show him a sign by having the woman who was meant to be Isaac’s wife offer him water and also offer to water his camels.

15. Q: What did Rebekah do when Eliezer asked her for water in Genesis 24?
A: Rebekah offered Eliezer water to drink and also offered to water his camels, thus fulfilling the sign Eliezer had asked for.

16. Q: Who did Rebekah marry in Genesis 24?
A: Rebekah married Isaac.

17. Q: What was the name of Abraham’s second wife after Sarah’s death in Genesis 25?
A: Keturah.

18. Q: How many sons did Keturah bear to Abraham in Genesis 25?
A: Six sons: Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak, and Shuah.

19. Q: What happened in Genesis 21:1?
A: The Lord visited Sarah and she conceived and bore a son named Isaac.

20. Q: Who was Isaac’s mother?
A: Sarah, Abraham’s wife.

21. Q: How old was Abraham when Isaac was born?
A: Abraham was 100 years old when Isaac was born (Genesis 21:5).

22. Q: What did Sarah do to Hagar and Ishmael after Isaac was born?
A: Sarah asked Abraham to cast out Hagar and Ishmael, and they were sent away (Genesis 21:9-14).

23. Q: What did God do when Hagar and Ishmael were in the wilderness?
A: God heard the voice of the lad Ishmael, and an angel of God comforted Hagar and showed her a well of water (Genesis 21:17-19).

24. Q: What was the covenant between Abimelech and Abraham in Genesis 21:22-32?
A: Abimelech and his commander made a covenant with Abraham for peace and safe passage.

25. Q: What did Abraham do when God tested him in Genesis 22:1-14?
A: Abraham obeyed God’s command to offer his son Isaac as a burnt offering, but God provided a ram as a substitute at the last moment