Genesis 16 to 20

 1. Q: What did Sarai do when she couldn’t bear children?

A: Sarai gave her Egyptian maidservant, Hagar, to Abram as a wife.

2. Q: What happened after Hagar became pregnant?

A: Hagar despised Sarai, and Sarai treated her harshly.

3. Q: What did Hagar do when she was mistreated by Sarai?

A: Hagar fled into the wilderness.

4. Q: Who found Hagar in the wilderness?

A: The angel of the Lord found Hagar by a spring of water in the wilderness.

5. Q: What did the angel of the Lord tell Hagar?

A: The angel told her to return to Sarai and submit to her, and that her descendants would be numerous.

6. Q: What was the name of the son born to Hagar?

A: Hagar gave birth to a son named Ishmael.

7. Q: How old was Abram when Ishmael was born?

A: Abram was 86 years old when Ishmael was born.

8. Q: What did God promise to Abram concerning Ishmael?

A: God promised to make Ishmael the father of a great nation.

9. Q: How many years after Ishmael’s birth did God appear to Abram again?

A: God appeared to Abram 13 years after Ishmael’s birth.

10. Q: What did God change Abram’s name to?

A: God changed Abram’s name to Abraham, which means “father of many nations.”

11. Q: What did God promise to Abraham after changing his name?

A: God promised to make Abraham the father of many nations, and that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars.

12. Q: What did God establish as a sign of his covenant with Abraham?

A: God established circumcision as a sign of his covenant with Abraham.

13. Q: What was the name of the son born to Sarah and Abraham after God’s promise?

A: Sarah gave birth to a son named Isaac.

14. Q: How old was Abraham when Isaac was born?

A: Abraham was 100 years old when Isaac was born.

15. Q: How old was Sarah when Isaac was born?

A: Sarah was 90 years old when Isaac was born.

16. Q: What happened when Isaac was weaned?

A: Sarah saw Ishmael, the son of Hagar, mocking Isaac.

17. Q: What did Sarah ask Abraham to do with Hagar and Ishmael?

A: Sarah asked Abraham to cast out Hagar and Ishmael.

18. Q: What did God tell Abraham to do about Sarah’s request?

A: God told Abraham to listen to Sarah and do as she asked.

19. Q: What did Abraham give to Hagar and Ishmael before sending them away?

A: Abraham gave Hagar bread and a skin of water before sending her and Ishmael away.

20. Q: What happened to Hagar and Ishmael in the wilderness?

A: Hagar and Ishmael ran out of water and became thirsty.

21. Q: What did God do when Hagar and Ishmael were in distress?

A: God heard the cry of the boy and sent an angel to Hagar, who showed her a well of water.

22. Q: How did Abraham pray for Abimelech and his household when they were afflicted by God?

A: Abraham prayed to God on behalf of Abimelech and his household, and God healed them, including their barren wives and female slaves, so they could have children again.

23. Q: What did God promise to Ishmael?

A: God promised to make Ishmael a great nation and that he would be the father of twelve princes.

24. Q: What happened to Ishmael as he grew up?

A: Ishmael lived in the wilderness and became skilled with the bow. He settled in the wilderness of Paran, and his mother took a wife for him from Egypt.

25. Q: What did Abimelech, king of Gerar, do when he saw Sarah, Abraham’s wife?

A: Abimelech took Sarah into his household, thinking she was Abraham’s sister. But God warned Abimelech in a dream that Sarah was Abraham’s wife, and Abimelech returned her to Abraham and rebuked him for misleading him.