Genesis. 1 to 5


Questions from Genesis. 5 to 6

1. According to Genesis 1:1, how does the Bible begin?

a) In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

b) In the beginning, there was light.

c) In the beginning, Adam and Eve were created.

2. What did God create on the first day, as mentioned in Genesis 1:3-5?

a) The sun, moon, and stars.

b) The plants and trees.

c) Light and darkness.

3. What did God create on the sixth day, as mentioned in Genesis 1:26-27?

a) Adam and Eve.

b) The animals and birds.

c) The oceans and sea creatures.

4.       Who was the first man created by God, as mentioned in Genesis 2:7?

a) Adam.

b) Noah.

c) Abraham.

5.       What did God place in the Garden of Eden, as mentioned in Genesis 2:8-9?

a) The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

b) The Tree of Life.

c) The Tree of Forgiveness.

6.       What was the command that God gave to Adam and Eve regarding the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, as mentioned in Genesis 2:16-17?

a) They were allowed to eat from it freely.

b) They were not allowed to touch it.

c) They were not allowed to eat from it.

7.       Who was the first woman created by God, as mentioned in Genesis 2:22?

a) Eve.

b) Sarah.

c) Rebekah.

8.       Who deceived Eve into eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, as mentioned in Genesis 3:1-6?

a) The serpent.

b) Adam.

c) God. 

9.       What were the consequences of Adam and Eve's sin, as mentioned in Genesis 3:16-19?

a) They were banished from the Garden of Eden and cursed with painful childbirth and hard labor.

b) They were rewarded with eternal life.

c) They were given a second chance to repent. 

10.   Who was the firstborn son of Adam and Eve, as mentioned in Genesis 4:1-2?

a) Cain.

b) Abel.

c) Seth.

11.   What was the occupation of Cain, as mentioned in Genesis 4:2?

a) Farmer.

b) Shepherd.

c) Fisherman.

12.   What offering did Cain and Abel bring to the Lord, as mentioned in Genesis 4:3-4?

a) Cain brought fruits of the ground, and Abel brought the firstborn of his flock and their fat portions.

b) Cain brought a lamb, and Abel brought vegetables.

c) Cain brought a burnt offering, and Abel brought a peace offering.

13.   Why Cain was angry and downcast, as mentioned in Genesis 4:5?

a) Because God did not accept his offering.

b) Because Abel had a better offering.

c) Because Cain was jealous of Abel.

14.   What was the consequence of Cain's murder of Abel, as mentioned in Genesis 4:11-12?

a) Cain was marked with a special sign by God.

b) Cain was banished from the presence of God and became a wanderer on the earth.

c) Cain was forgiven by God and restored to favour.

15.   Who was the third son of Adam and Eve, as mentioned in Genesis 4:25?

a) Seth.

b) Enosh.

c) Mahalalel.

16.   How old was Adam when he fathered Seth, as mentioned in Genesis 5:3?

a) 130 years old.

b) 800 years old.

c) Adam did not father Seth.

17.   How many years did Adam live in total, according to Genesis 5:5?

a) 930 years.

b) 120 years.

c) 365 years.

18.   Who was the oldest person mentioned in Genesis 5, who lived for 969 years?

a) Methuselah.

b) Noah.

c) Enoch.

19.   Whom did God take without experiencing death, as mentioned in Genesis 5:24?

a) Enoch.

b) Methuselah.

c) Noah.

20.   Who were the sons of Noah, as mentioned in Genesis 5:32?

a) Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

b) Cain, Abel, and Seth.

c) Enoch, Methuselah, and Lamech.